How Good Are You Willing to Let it Get
No matter what type of fear, procrastination, or resistance gremlins enter your life, there is always one thing you can control that will stop their invasion: your energy.
Will you allow these negative forces to drain and taint your energy, or will you take control of your energy and use it to learn, reflect, and move closer to your visions?
Over many years, I have intermittently struggled with allowing myself to feel my happiest because of some sort of external factor that was bothering me. Sometimes this shows up in the form of depression, full-body inflammation, or a lack of self-worth and often leads to a downward spiral. Because of the negative experiences, I sometimes created imaginary limitations for myself in an attempt to establish protection from more bad experiences moving forward. I was removing parts of my life that brought me happiness and love because I was scared that something might go wrong and make me unhappy. I was settling for a middle ground of simply existing rather than experiencing. Does this seem familiar?
You see, the security blanket is actually the problem in itself. We hold ourselves back from our dreams because we are afraid we will fall on our face. In other words, we aren’t allowing ourselves to reach our heightened states of mind, body, and spirit. We aren’t willing to let allow ourselves to blossom into the flowers we can be. We are sacrificing our lives to fear.
So, How Good Are You Willing to Let it Get?
What happens if you let love in? What happens if you say yes to everything that excites you? What happens if you trust in your intuition? What happens if you release your fears and doubts? How will things change if you surrender, let go, and become one with your passions?
“It is a mess out there, but sit up tall, smile, and laugh. That’s your work.”
Sarah Seidelmann
I first heard Sarah Seidelmann talk on a podcast she did with a mentor of mine, Jared Angaza, on “the wisdom of the wild things,” and I was immediately catapulted into a stronger, happier mindset. She’s one of those rare people that can change the way you look at life in its entirety with just a few words.

Sarah spent two decades practicing medicine, specializing in surgical pathology, and raising her family. But something started shifting in her, drawing her into an exploration of deeper creativity, nature and intuition. She wanted to figure out what would make her FEEL GOOD all the time, and how she could apply her experiences to help others do the same. So, she took a six-month sabbatical from her job and started exploring.
Well, when you follow your bliss, magical things start to happen. Sarah followed hers through shamanic journeying, animal totems, and an interesting meeting with one of her spirit guides, Alice the Elephant.
To date, Sarah and Alice have co-authored multiple books, including their newest release, How Good Are You Willing to Let it Get? Daily FEELGOOD Inspiration for Creatives, Healers, and Helpers. (Secret**: She has a card deck coming soon too!)
I’m ecstatic to have Sarah on this episode of Never Stop Peaking, as we explore universal synchronicity, spirit-animal guides, the magic of nature, shamanic journeying, life transformations, the creative process, and more.
Links From The Show
Sarah's New Book: How Good Are You Willing to Let It Get?
Sarah's Website: FollowYourFeelGood.com
Sarah's Instagram: @sarahseidelmann