In this hawt episode, we explore how Lynan and Ravi got stuck in India throughout the entire 2020 “pandemic“, and how their trippy situation has led to a possible mass-healing opportunity in Thailand. We also dive into the creative surge that is happening during lock-down, Ravi’s unexpected Yoga teaching opportunity with hundreds of students, and a wild night-time nature hunt for missing personal items after Lynan got robbed by some sneaky maniac.

Kinky Links

Previous Podcast with Ravi: Trusting in the Universe, Relationship Attachment Styles, and Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with Ravi Rothenberg

Ravi’s Instagram: @RisewithRavi

Ravi’s Website:

Lynan's websites:

Heath Armstrong - Never Stop Peaking - Apple
Heath Armstrong - Never Stop Peaking - Spotify
Never Stop Peaking - Google Podcasts
Stitcher - never stop peaking heath armstrong