36 Hours Left on the Kickstarter for Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2.0
The Kickstarter for the new Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2 card deck is now live. This deck is great for affirmation angels, oracle wizards, tarot witches, and creative maniacs in general. It will close August 11 at 8:22 PM CST.
In this episode, we will explore topics of:
- How are you generating, optimizing, and spending your life-force energy?
- Are you leaning deeply into your excitements, loves, and weirdness?
- Are you suppressing that deep creative explosion of curiosity and color because the resistance and fear gremlin mafia told you it was the “right thing to do?”
- What happens if you unlearn, un-adapt, and peel back all the bullshit stuck to your identity and lifestyle that was splattered on you by others?
Kinky Links From the Episode
Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2 Kickstarter: RageCreate.com/kickstarter
Power Affirmations for Your Creative Maniac Mind Podcast: RageCreate.com/podcast